Question: When is it completely LEGAL to hit people with bullets to get them to comply with you?? This is happening EVERYDAY, and Everyone should be aware!

Question: When is it completely LEGAL to hit people with bullets to get them to comply with you?? This is happening EVERYDAY, and Everyone should be aware!

Answer: In your content, and you or your writer should be pulling the trigger every chance you can.

Disclaimer: As a Writer, I am cracking myself up with bullet puns and jokes, as a human being, I know I should seriously pull back (lol)…Don’t worry, I won’t quit my day job.

Studies have continually proven, if you want your words to get read, bullets are the way to do it! Here’s the thing, we live in a world of “chronic scrollers”, this means, whether on desktop or mobile friendly format, we are ALL scrolling.

Observational Experiment Time: If you look at someone holding their phone while they’re reading anything, they have their hands positioned in a scrolling motion almost 100% of the time! Here’s another social cue that proves my point, when someone is scrolling, you’ll notice sometimes, they scroll backwards because they saw something they wanted to read, but they scrolled passed it too quickly to stop.

This paragraph is just a filler, if you are reading it, I want to personally thank you so much for considering moving to the 3rd paragraph of my writing, and even though these two sentences are of no beneficial use to you, I do hope to give you more insight and tips if you continue reading. This section is just to prove how much more the bulleted sections stand out.

Why Bullets Stop Scrollers dead in their tracks…

• Bullet lists are naturally in a bold format, even if you don’t choose a larger font.

• The short form style of bullet lists makes them completely unaggressive and unintimidating to readers, thus, they don’t feel they’re wasting too much time or energy on reading further.

• Bullets are small headlines, people read headlines! Each bullet can have the same psychological impact as a headline!

-There aren’t strict formatting rules with bulleting, this means you can skip forming full sentences with proper punctuation, without looking uneducated on the topic. Your Bullets can be different shapes, sizes and symbols, but it’s considered best to keep them aligned.

Professional DIY Copywriting Tips for Using Bullets in Your Content

Ask Yourself: Can each of my bullets serve as a headline? This is an excellent goal even if you have zero copywriting or content writing experience.

Think: Is this bullet “Costco Sample Worthy”? Give small tastes of what the body of your content consists of. Do so in a way that makes your reader come back to buy, or read, it in bulk.

Break it up- One massively long series of bullet points really shoots (pun intended) down the whole opportunity to keep it short and simple. Speaking of Keeping it short and simple….

• K.I.S.S. Your Content- Keep It Short & Simple, leave the details and heavier copy for other areas of your writing.

Saturate the bullets-Being too vague can kill the momentum of your reader faster than a speeding…(you know what’s coming) bullet! Make sure there are no “filler” bullets, each one must contain condensed content! Think of it as a superfood vitamin…..there are hundreds of condensed nutrients in each teeny tiny pill.

Allow Me to “Get right to the POINT”

When done correctly, bullets are a fantastic and powerful way to convey your information, namely in newsletters, blogs, and website content. As a freelance/copywriter, I specialize in making content more “reader friendly” in ways that apply today, and well into the future. If you have any writing needs, I would love to connect!

P.S. I Wish this was my picture, but it’s not! These gold handled coffee mugs may be THE greatest accessory when writing with bullets! Photo Cred