Top Five Unconventional Productivity Hacks That Work, Even when you “Just Can’t”
Studies Show: The average person uses approximately 13 methods of time management for productivity.
If of these average methods, your productivity is still slipping, it’s time to go above average and implement the unconventional.
Unconventional Productivity Hacks That Work
1. The cell phone Coffin- Have you ever been working in a group setting, and noticed other people are simultaneously on their laptops while scrolling cell phones? This is because we lack self-control over convenience. Have a designated “box” or space in a separate room where your cell phone can RIP as you skyrocket in production and time efficiency.
Fact: The average person checks their phone around 110 times a day, those who are more addicted check their phones around 900+ times. STOP for one moment, in 2017 this means average people are spending over FOUR hours total on their phone every single day. Can you comprehend what 4 extra hours is doing to the productivity levels of your work? It’s exhausting to think about, but more tiring if you are unknowingly living this statistic every single day. Put it 6 feet under if you need to.
2. EO’s and Mozart- Essential oils are a less spoken secret weapon behind ultimate productivity. It’s recommended to start by diffusing. First, pick an aromatherapy grade oil known to raise energy and concentration, then begin diffusing it routinely during your work day. Playing Mozart on your headphones is the trigger to another major sense, the intermix of both can result in record breaking days. I diffuse 11 drops of peppermint essential oil, and it almost instantly sets my productivity on a new level.
Fact: Classical music has proven to increase brain wave activity and reduce stress levels; do you think these things could increase your productivity? Conduct your own study today!
3. Stretch Before the Race- The human body was never designed to withstand hours of sitting on the phone, and typing. Even after years spent this way, it truly challenges the anatomy of our physical framework, therefore a 4-5 minute circuit training and/or stretching sessions will assist your body in sitting for the duration of your work period. It’s recommended to do this every 25 to 30 minutes, with enough vigor to get your blood pumping.
Fact: Stretching improves and optimistic outlook, jumpstarts your mind, and relieves stress.
4. Ground Yourself- Can you detach from your workspace at any point? Maybe you need to write out a mind map, be on a muted conference call, or read new information. Get outside to do it, and if possible, barefoot. Studies have shown detailed benefits of rooting yourself in nature, however, all studies aside, most leaders can agree fresh air and sunlight is good for mental and emotional health, thus, higher productivity. This reminds me of the movie Pretty Woman, when workaholic Richard Gere finally takes his shoes off and lives in the moment, those producers were really onto something! That scene is below.
Fact: Grounding aka earthing studies show reduction in stress, and an increase in circulation.
5. Sticker Charting- Remember the boards in elementary classrooms? You received a sticker for each positive action toward a goal, until finally earning a reward? Goal and reward systems work for productivity. It’s ironic most entrepreneurs go into business with hopes of escaping the financial and societal “rat race”, only to find themselves spinning on the wheel and not seeing progress. Set appropriate goals, such as quarterly income levels, commit to them, and set in place a practical reward you will give yourself when you meet, or exceed that goal.
Be a Consecutive Executive
Productivity and Success are both results of habit, commit to a minimum of 30 consecutive days to prove these powerful hacks to yourself.